We’re Creatures of Habit
“Form good habits…be a good person” is the universal motherly advice every one
of us can recall when we scratch the realm of our memories. Tiny tots and
youngsters are forever bound, protected and guided by their seniors and elderly
in order to help them on to tread the path laid on time tested principles of
honesty and good behavior. Yet sometimes unknowingly they take the forbidden
route just to prove things for the heck of it.
Due to the extreme stress, strain and stretch of the competitive world around any
person today is more susceptible to succumb to pressure and buckle under it.
Here’s where the need for addiction in any form arises which however provides
only temporary solace rather than erasing the real cause. We sometimes latch on
to it and slowly get further and further suck into its false whirlpool leading us to
lose our will power.
An addiction simply adheres itself to our self-belief eroding it gradually by
digging into it. We just remain a shade of our previous selves hereby taking a
short cut to a track that leads us to more acute physical and mental problems.
Any addiction can be overcome, any bad patch overridden if only we could
endure it by facing it head-on keeping the following lines from Kipling in mind –
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds worth of distance run
Yours is the earth and everything that’s in it
And – which is more – you’ll be a MAN!
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